
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00014 class ScriptServer {
00022   public static function sendScript($scriptName) {
00023     if (false === ereg('^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_\.]*.js$', $scriptName))
00024       return false;
00026     // Read paths from Config singleton
00027     $config = Config::instance();
00028     $docRoot = $config->documentRoot();
00029     $scriptDir = $docRoot.$config->scriptDir();
00030     $cacheDir = $docRoot.$config->cacheDir();
00032     // Build file names
00033     $sourceScript = $scriptDir.'/'.$scriptName;
00034     $cachedScript = $cacheDir.'/'.$scriptName;
00036     // Check if script (re)generation is needed
00037     if (!file_exists($sourceScript))
00038       return false;
00039     if (!file_exists($cachedScript) ||
00040         filemtime($sourceScript) > filemtime($cachedScript))
00041       self::generate($sourceScript, $cachedScript);
00043     // Send script
00044     Header('Content-type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8');
00045     readfile($cachedScript);
00046     return true;
00047   }
00048   private static function generate($src, $dest) {
00049     $fSrc = fopen ($src, 'r');
00050     $fDest = fopen ($dest, 'w');
00052     // Record timestamp
00053     $startTS = microtime(true);
00054     fwrite($fDest, '// This file was generated by ScriptServer.class.php at '.date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time())."\n");
00055     fwrite($fDest, '// Source file\'s mtime was '.date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime($src))."\n");
00057     // State set of FA
00058     define('ST_INIT', 0);
00059     define('ST_LONG_COMMENT', 1);
00060     define('ST_INLINE_COMMENT', 2);
00061     define('ST_SLASH_READED', 3);
00062     define('ST_ASTERIX_READED', 4);
00063     define('ST_LINE_BEGIN', 5);
00064     $state = ST_INIT;                 // FA's initial state
00065     $last = '';                       // Last char writen
00066     $ignoreInlineComment = false;     // Patch for \// sequence
00067     while (false !== ($c = fgetc($fSrc))) {
00068       switch ($state) {
00069         case ST_INIT:
00070           if ($c == '/') {
00071             $state = ST_SLASH_READED;
00072             $ignoreInlineComment = false;
00073           } else {
00074             if ($c == "\n")
00075               $state = ST_LINE_BEGIN;
00076             if ($c != "\n" || $last != "\n")
00077               fwrite($fDest, $last = $c);
00078             }
00079           break;
00080         case ST_LINE_BEGIN:
00081           if ($c == '/') {
00082             $state = ST_SLASH_READED;
00083             $ignoreInlineComment = true;
00084           }
00085           else if (trim($c)==$c) {
00086             $state = ST_INIT;
00087             if ($c != "\n" || $last != "\n")
00088               fwrite($fDest, $last = $c);
00089           }
00090           break;
00091         case ST_SLASH_READED:
00092           if ($ignoreInlineComment && $c == '/')
00093             $state = ST_INLINE_COMMENT;
00094           else if ($c == '*')
00095             $state = ST_LONG_COMMENT;
00096           else {
00097             if ($c == "\n")
00098               $state = ST_LINE_BEGIN;
00099             else
00100               $state = ST_INIT;
00101             fwrite($fDest, '/'.($last=$c));
00102           }
00103           break;
00104         case ST_INLINE_COMMENT:
00105           if ($c == "\n") {
00106             $state = ST_LINE_BEGIN;
00107             if ($last != "\n")
00108               fwrite($fDest, $last = "\n");
00109           }
00110           break;
00111         case ST_LONG_COMMENT:
00112           if ($c == '*')
00113             $state = ST_ASTERIX_READED;
00114           break;
00115         case ST_ASTERIX_READED:
00116           if ($c == '/')
00117             $state = ST_INIT;
00118           else if ($c != '*')
00119             $state = ST_LONG_COMMENT;
00120           break;
00121       }
00122     }
00123     // Compute time elapsed
00124     $timeElapsed = microtime(true)-$startTS;
00125     fprintf($fDest, "\n// File generated in %.3f s\n", $timeElapsed);
00127     fclose($fSrc);
00128     fclose($fDest);
00129   }
00130   // Avoid class instantiation
00131   private function __construct() { }
00132 }

Generated on Sat Mar 8 10:26:43 2008 for by  doxygen 1.5.4